The Donald D. Johnson Operational and Cost Efficiency Award honors school districts for creating effective, efficient, replicable solutions that address common operational challenges in the Commonwealth's K-12 public education space.

MASBO is grateful to VOYA Financial for making this award possible in honor of Past President and prior Executive Director Don Johnson. Nominations may be submitted by anyone who can confirm the nominee's achievement and self-nominations are also invited. The School Business Official (SBO) or another district employee as designated by the SBO is awarded a trip to the ASBO International Annual Conference & Expo during that calendar year or the next, depending on schedules. The recipient also receives a tangible memento, a press release highlighting their achievement, recognition in the MASBO Notebook, presentation at a mutually convenient School Committee meeting, and a $3000 check to the District. The award is conferred at a mutually agreeable time, preferably at the Annual Institute, and recipients may each bring one guest at no charge. Board members must wait until at least one year after their term ends to be considered, and Selection Committee Members are not eligible.